I'm currently working as a Developer at Anmup Online. I'm also a fourth year computer engineering student at KEC.
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Multithreaded socket handling server/client application written purely in C-programming language. ChatChamber was my first semester project. It runs on terminal. Multiple socket connections are handled using threads. Linked-List is used to manage sockets connections at server. It can run on both windows and linux based operating systems.
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WhatsThatFigure is a Multiplayer game developed using Qt Framework(C++). Application uses Qt's libraries to Render Graphical User Interface, Handle Multi Threading Communication, Networking and Object Serialization. Server is responsible for handling client connections of the client is drawer and the other clients are guesser. Client provides submits a name that is stored in server and starts drawing the submitted name. Guessers try guessing.
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Youtube to Audio Converter stands for its name. It uses youtube-dll module in python for downloading and converting youtube video into audio file. It also stores the id of downloaded file in Deta. FastApi is used for fetching the details of stored audios. React is used as front-end for pasting link and downloading the converted audio file.
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Cryptographic application that hides text in an image (steganography). It uses Fernet for creating cipher and encodes the cipher into an image using Least Significant Bit method. OpenCV is used for encoding and decoding the Least Significant Bits. It creates 2-layer protection for a text. First the cipher is encoded in the image which requires the same algorithm for decoding and when the cipher is decoded it needs cipher key for decrypting the original text.
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Python Script is used for detecting the face. It sends the coordinates of the detected face to arduino which is then processed and then rotates the servo motor according to the coordinates received. The webcam is attached into servo motor. The webcam then follows the detected face movement.
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A Django Application that uses REST-Framework for API. Web-Scraping is done using BeautifulSoup. News headings, summaries and images are scraped from various news portals. Postgres is used for storing the scraped data. On hitting request on API, the news is fetched according to the provided parameters.